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Golf Ball Size (Diameter, Weight, Rules & Regulations)

OG Golf Balls

The ball is the most crucial part of the game of golf. Here’s a complete guide to golf ball size, diameter, weight, rules and regulations surrounding it.

The golf ball has evolved significantly over the years, so much so that in 2023 calls were made to roll back the technologies and advancements.

The size of the golf ball, in particular, has undergone changes, leading to the standardisation we know today.

What is the size of a Golf Ball diameter?

The standard golf ball size is defined by the rules set by various golf governing bodies, primarily the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A) and the United States Golf Association (USGA).

These organisations stipulate that a conforming golf ball must have a diameter of 1.68 inches (42.67mm).

This size is the result of historical developments and extensive testing to ensure fairness and consistency in the game of golf.

What is the weight of a standard golf ball?

Golf balls should conform to specific standards and the weight should not exceed 1.620 ounces (45.93 grams).

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How do you measure a golf ball size and weight?

Measuring a golf ball is a relatively straightforward process if you want to discover the diameter and the weight of the golf ball. Here’s how you can measure these attributes:

Measuring a Golf Ball Diameter

Use a caliper, a precise measuring tool that can provide an accurate measurement of the golf ball’s diameter.

Simply open the caliper jaws, place the golf ball between them, and close the jaws gently to make contact with the ball’s surface. Read the measurement from the caliper display.

If you don’t have a caliper, you can use a ruler with millimeter or centimeter markings. Place the golf ball on a flat surface, and measure its diameter by aligning the ruler along its widest point.

Make sure the ruler is perpendicular to the ball to get an accurate measurement.

Measuring the Weight of a Golf Ball

A digital kitchen or postal scale is a precise way to measure the weight of a golf ball.

Place the scale on a level surface and set it to the appropriate unit of measurement (usually grams or ounces). Then, simply place the golf ball on the scale and record the weight.

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Historical Changes To Golf Balls

The history of the golf ball’s size is an intriguing journey through time, reflecting the evolution of the game itself.

The earliest golf balls, known as “featheries,” were handcrafted by stuffing a leather pouch with wet goose or chicken feathers and used in the 17th Century-19th Century.

They were remarkably small, with a diameter of around 1.5 inches, making them considerably smaller than today’s standard. These balls had to be carefully dried, leading to inconsistencies in their size and shape.

Gutties arrived in the mid-1800s with the “guttie” golf ball made from gutta-percha, a rubber-like sap from the gutta tree, gained popularity.

Gutties were more consistent in size, measuring roughly 1.62 inches in diameter, which is still smaller than the modern standard.

As golf continued to evolve, concerns over ball standardization arose. In 1931, the R&A and the USGA established the current standard golf ball size of 1.68 inches. This decision aimed to promote consistency and fairness in the game.

Non-Standard Golf Balls Sizes

While the standard golf ball size is well-defined and used by the vast majority of manufacturers, there are exceptions to the rule.

These exceptions often arise in specific situations, such as novelty golf balls or special events.

Some manufacturers produce oversized golf balls, which are larger than the standard 1.68-inch diameter. These balls are typically used for novelty purposes and are not allowed in official competitions.

On rare occasions, smaller golf balls have been used in novelty tournaments or as collector’s items. These smaller balls, often around 1.5 inches in diameter, add an element of challenge and fun to the game.

READ: Golf Ball Buying Guide & Info

Golf Balls Rules & Regulations

The rules and regulations concerning golf ball size are crucial to maintaining fairness in the sport.

Both the R&A and the USGA have established rules that govern the size and other characteristics of golf balls. Here are some key regulations:

Golf Ball Size

As mentioned earlier, a conforming golf ball must have a diameter of 1.68 inches.

Golf Ball Weight

The golf ball must not weigh more than 1.620 ounces (45.93 grams).

Spherical Symmetry

The ball must be spherically symmetrical.

Golf Ball Initial Velocity

The initial velocity of the golf ball, when measured using specified equipment, must not exceed prescribed limits to prevent excessive distance gains.

Overall Conformance

Golf balls must conform to other regulations, including dimple pattern and shape, to be deemed legal for tournament play.

Golf ball manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure their products meet these regulations, conducting rigorous testing and research to maintain conformity.