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Average Golf Swing Speed By Age (Distance CHART & Analysis)


What is the average golf swing speed by age? We’ve got the comprehensive guide to the average swing speed of golfers across different age groups, grouped in intervals of 10 years.

One of the essential factors that can significantly impact a golfer’s performance and distances struck by each club is their swing speed.

The ability to generate high swing speeds is often associated with greater distance and control on the golf course.

We will delve into the average golf swing speed by age with some comprehensive analysis of just how fast you should be swing your clubs.

Is Golf Swing Speed Important?

Swing speed is a crucial metric in golf, as it directly affects a player’s ability to strike the ball effectively.

Faster swing speeds can lead to longer drives and improved performance, while slower swing speeds may require a different approach and a focus on accuracy and control.

The average swing speed can vary greatly depending on factors such as physical fitness, experience, and equipment.

Understanding the average swing speeds across different age groups can provide valuable insights for golfers of all skill levels.

While swing speed naturally decreases as golfers get older, experience, strategy, and proper equipment can offset this decline and allow players to continue enjoying the sport and performing at their best.

Drivers for senior golfers might help make the difference, for example, or utilising swing tips for seniors to hold onto speed.

There are also training aids like the Lag Shot swing trainer to help you extract added speed regardless of age.

RELATED: Average Distances For Wedges

Average Swing Speed by Age Group

To gain a better understanding of how swing speeds vary with age, we’ve compiled data from various sources and grouped golfers into age brackets of 10 years each.

Please note that these averages are approximate and can vary based on individual circumstances.

Average Golfers Swing Speed by Age Group

Age Group (years)Average Swing Speed (mph)
Under 20100 – 110
20 – 29110 – 120
30 – 39105 – 115
40 – 49100 – 110
50 – 5995 – 105
60 – 6990 – 100
70 – 7985 – 95
80 and above80 – 90

Note: The provided swing speed ranges are approximate and can vary based on individual factors.

Under 20

Golfers under the age of 20 tend to have the highest swing speeds, ranging from 100 to 110 mph on average.

Younger players often possess more flexibility and physical strength, which contributes to their ability to generate higher clubhead speeds.


Golfers in their twenties typically maintain impressive swing speeds, averaging between 110 and 120 mph.

This age group often combines youthful energy with some golf experience, allowing them to excel in distance.


Players in their thirties see a slight decline in swing speed, averaging between 105 and 115 mph.

This decrease can be attributed to the natural aging process, but many golfers in this age group still maintain impressive clubhead speeds.


The 40 to 49 age group experiences a further decline in average swing speed, ranging from 100 to 110 mph.

While speed may decrease, these golfers often make up for it with improved accuracy and course management skills.


Golfers between 50 and 59 years of age typically exhibit swing speeds between 95 and 105 mph. Many players in this group compensate for the decrease in speed by fine-tuning their skills and adopting a strategic approach to the game.


Players in their sixties typically have average swing speeds ranging from 90 to 100 mph. While there is a noticeable decrease in speed compared to their younger counterparts, these golfers often have decades of experience that aid them in scoring well.


Golfers aged 70 to 79 years have swing speeds between 85 and 95 mph. Despite the challenges of age, many players in this group continue to enjoy the sport and can still achieve impressive results through skill and strategy.

80 and Above

Golfers over 80 years old typically exhibit swing speeds ranging from 80 to 90 mph. At this stage, maintaining mobility and flexibility becomes a significant challenge, but the love for the game often keeps these individuals on the course.